Doctor Who: The Lost Stories (The Eleventh Doctor)
Death To The Doctor |
Writer: Gareth Roberts |
Notes: Roberts worked on this
story from about September 2008 to July 2009, at which point it was
abandoned and The Lodger
developed in its place. The character of Skorm was subsequently adapted
by executive producer Steven Moffat and became Commander Strax,
introduced in A Good Man Goes To
Characters: The Eleventh
Doctor, Amy Pond |
Episodes: 1 |
Planned For: Season
Thirty-One |
Stage Reached:
Full script |
Synopsis: Involved a Sontaran named
References: Doctor
Who Magazine Special Edition #27, DWM Special Edition
#30 |
When We Weren't There |
Writer: Peter Harness |
Notes: In 2011, Harness was
invited to pitch ideas for the second half of Doctor Who's
thirty-third season which, at this stage, would have seen the Doctor
accompanied by a Victorian governess called Beryl. (Beryl was later
replaced by Clara Oswald.) Although “When We Weren't There”
was not what the production team was looking for, Harness instead
developed Kill The Moon.
Characters: The Eleventh
Doctor, “Beryl” |
Episodes: 1 |
Planned For: Season
Thirty-Three |
Stage Reached:
Story idea |
Synopsis: Unknown
References: Doctor
Who: The Complete History #78 |
(untitled) |
Writer: Matthew Graham |
Notes: Having written Fear Her for Season
Twenty-Eight, Graham began developing this story for Season Thirty-One.
However, he had to cease work on it due to his commitments to Ashes
To Ashes, the crime drama he had co-created. Graham would instead
write The Rebel Flesh / The
Almost People for Season Thirty-Two.
Characters: The Eleventh
Doctor, Amy Pond (and possibly Rory Williams) |
Episodes: 1 |
Planned For: Season
Thirty-One |
Stage Reached:
Storyline |
Synopsis: Involved the residents of a
nursing home, and a lighthouse which was really a disguised spaceship.
References: Doctor
Who: The Complete History #67 |