1967 |
Patrick Troughton is contracted for an
additional twenty-three episodes, beginning with The Faceless Ones |
1967 |
Michael Craze's contract is extended
for twelve further episodes, beginning with The Macra Terror |
1968 |
Debut broadcast of The Enemy Of The World episode
six on BBC One |
1968 |
Recording for The Web Of Fear takes place at Lime
Grove Studio D in Shepherd's Bush, London |
1969 |
Wendy Padbury is contracted for The War Games; by now it has been
agreed that she will leave Doctor Who alongside Patrick Troughton
and Frazer Hines |
1970 |
Recording for The Ambassadors Of Death takes
place in London, at Southall and Acton |
1971 |
Susan Jameson learns that she has been
replaced in the role of the villainous Morgan for Colony In Space by Tony Caunter,
due to Head of Serials Ronnie Marsh's concerns about fetishistic
overtones |
1973 |
Debut broadcast of Carnival Of Monsters episode
one on BBC One |
1973 |
Recording for Planet Of The Daleks takes place
at an unknown location |
1975 |
Recording for Genesis Of The Daleks takes place
at BBC Television Centre Studio 1 in White City, London |
1976 |
Chris Boucher is commissioned to write The Face Of Evil |
1978 |
Bob Baker and Dave Martin are
commissioned to write The Armageddon
Factor |
1979 |
Debut broadcast of The Armageddon Factor episode
two on BBC One |
1983 |
Philip Martin is commissioned to write
the final three episodes of Vengeance On
Varos |
1984 |
Death of Douglas Camfield (bio), director |
1984 |
Debut broadcast of Frontios episode two on BBC One |
2005 |
Recording for The Empty Child / The
Doctor Dances takes place in Barry, Wales |
2006 |
Recording for Fear Her takes place in Cardiff,
Wales |
2006 |
Recording for Army Of Ghosts /
Doomsday takes place at Teddington Studios in Teddington,
London |
2009 |
Recording for Planet Of The Dead takes place
in Cardiff, Wales |
2010 |
Recording for The Pandorica Opens /
The Big Bang takes place in Wales, at Miskin and Rhymney |
2011 |
Recording for The Impossible Astronaut /
Day Of The Moon takes place in Pontyclun, Wales |
2011 |
Recording for The Curse Of The Black Spot
takes place in Pontyclun, Wales |
2011 |
Recording for The Rebel Flesh / The Almost
People takes place in Pontyclun, Wales |
2011 |
Recording for A Good Man Goes To War takes
place in Pontyclun, Wales |
2015 |
Recording for Under The Lake / Before The
Flood takes place at Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff, Wales |
2017 |
Recording for The Lie Of The Land takes place
in Cardiff, Wales |
2017 |
Recording for Empress Of Mars takes place
in Cardiff, Wales |