The Doctor Who Production Diary: February 4th
1964 |
An untitled “miniscules”
storyline by Robert Gould is abandoned |
1966 |
Recording for The Massacre Of St Bartholomew's Eve
takes place at Riverside Studio 1 in Hammersmith, London |
1966 |
Likely date that recording for The Ark takes place at the BBC
Television Film Studios in Ealing, London |
1967 |
Debut broadcast of The Underwater Menace episode
four on BBC One |
1967 |
Recording for The Moonbase takes place at
Riverside Studio 1 in Hammersmith, London |
1968 |
Recording for Fury From The Deep takes place in
Broadstairs, Kent and at the Red Sands Sea Fort in the Thames
Estuary |
1970 |
Recording for The Ambassadors Of Death takes
place in Northfleet, Kent and at the BBC Television Film Studios
in Ealing, London |
1975 |
Dennis Spooner is commissioned to write
Planet” |
1978 |
Debut broadcast of The Invasion Of Time episode
one on BBC One |
1980 |
Death of David Whitaker (bio), story editor and
writer |
1986 |
Robert Holmes is commissioned to write
The Trial Of A Time Lord (Segment
Four) |
2005 |
Recording for Boom Town takes place in
Cardiff, Wales |
2006 |
Recording for Fear Her takes place at Unit
Q2 in Newport, Wales |
2008 |
Recording for Silence In The Library /
Forest Of The Dead takes place in Swansea, Wales |
2009 |
Recording for Planet Of The Dead takes place
in Newport, Wales |
2010 |
Recording for The Pandorica Opens /
The Big Bang takes place in Margam, Wales |
2014 |
Recording for Into The Dalek takes place at
Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff, Wales |
2015 |
Recording for Under The Lake / Before The
Flood takes place in Caerwent, Wales |