The Doctor Who Production Diary: January 23rd
1965 |
Debut broadcast of The Romans episode two, All Roads
Lead To Rome, on BBC One |
1970 |
Recording for The Ambassadors Of Death takes
place in Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire |
1971 |
Debut broadcast of Terror Of The Autons episode
four on BBC One |
1971 |
Recording for The Claws Of Axos takes place at
BBC Television Centre Studio 3 in White City, London |
1973 |
Recording for Planet Of The Daleks takes place
at BBC Television Centre Studio 4 in White City, London |
1975 |
Tom Baker is contracted for Season
Fourteen |
1981 |
Recording for Logopolis takes place at BBC
Television Centre Studio 6 in White City, London |
1986 |
Bonnie Langford is announced as new
companion Melanie Bush |
1996 |
Recording for Doctor Who (1996) takes place in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
2005 |
Recording for The Empty Child / The
Doctor Dances takes place in Barry, Wales |
2006 |
Recording for The Idiot's Lantern takes place
in Wood Green, London |
2007 |
Recording for 42 takes place in Caldicot,
Wales |
2008 |
Recording for Silence In The Library /
Forest Of The Dead takes place at Upper Boat Studios in Upper
Boat, Wales |
2009 |
Recording for Planet Of The Dead takes place
at Upper Boat Studios in Upper Boat, Wales |
2010 |
Recording for The Pandorica Opens /
The Big Bang takes place in Swansea, Wales |
2014 |
Recording for Deep Breath takes place in
Cardiff, Wales |
2015 |
Recording for Under The Lake / Before The
Flood takes place at Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff, Wales |
2017 |
Recording for The Lie Of The Land takes place
in Cardiff, Wales, including at Roath Lock Studios |